Friday, June 3, 2016

thoughts for the weekend

This was a short week for work, but my goodness there has been a lot packed in!
So much is going on in the world right now, but I’d like to be a bit selfish for a moment. . .  pretend that we are looking at google earth and zooming down to a specific location, that location is my life.
Now I feel like that tv show from the 50’s “This Is Your Life” – ha ha ha  - if you are too young for that (and I suspect many of you are), Google is your friend =)
My life . . . I have been through a lot in my nearly 47 years.  Some of the things I have been through would have broken others, but somehow, I have managed to stay strong. My strength, it comes from God! (more about that in another daily bread)
I certainly have people here that lift me up and protect me, I am so very blessed that God chose my husband for me – that man, crazy as he drives me sometimes, is truly the 2nd reason that I have survived this long (obviously I don’t need to . =)
His parents are these incredible pillars of strength that have accepted me and all my insanity and love me for who I am.  I thank God daily for my husband and his parents.
Tell me, what more could a girl ask for?
Maybe it is not just what I can ask for, but maybe it’s what God asks of us.
Ponder that for a moment. . .
We are called to share His word, His love, no matter where we are or who we are with.
I started this email thing around 2011, with a short list of close friends to share my faith and love for God. By August of that year, I was sharing daily with about 24 people. Two years later, I started using the subject “daily bread” for the emails and I was sending them to 36 people.  Today the email goes to 91 recipients.  I discovered an option in Outlook that allows me to delay delivery, so if I know I am going to be out of the office I can set up the daily emails to send at 6am.  This works great as long as my computer stays on the network and doesn’t reboot!
One of my friends suggested a while back that I should start a blog. 
Honestly, I did not even know what that was!!!
As of last week, I have started this blog.
Yeah, me, the girl who hates technology, is now a blogger.  Don’t laugh.
This blogging thing is kind of cool!  I update it on the weekends too, instead of this email that only goes out on workdays. It is public and I post the link on my FaceBook page, therefore reaching many more people. Some of my FaceBook friends have shared the link with their friends.
Together, we are doing God’s will, spreading His word and sharing His glory.
What more could we ask for?

Have a blessed weekend. 

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