Saturday, June 4, 2016

Peace be with you

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone.
Psalm 62:5

Saturday mornings have long been my favorite time.  I usually wake before the rest of the house, i make my coffee and sit in the silence, usually with a cat or two on my lap. :) 
It is a peaceful time for me, one where my heart and my mind are at rest. 
i struggle with anxiety, it takes hold of my life in so many ways, often preventing me from enjoying the simple things.  it is a very real disorder, although it remains invisible. 
cultivating my relationship with my God, i have found peace. 
He has given me the love and support of my wonderful husband, who may not fully understand what i go through, he protects me.  That my friends, is love.  
Everyone has moments of fear, anxiety and unrest.  Find your peace in God.  Pray for understanding of people in your life that suffer greatly. 
God is good, all the time. 
You will find that it is well with your soul. 

have a blessed day! 

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