Here we are, it is Friday!
My thoughts for the weekend are really kind or rambling today so
forgive me if I don’t make any sense. . .
In the past week I have observed some rather interesting
behaviors in people.
Keeping up with the Joneses . . . according to Wikipedia, this is an idiom in many parts of the
English-speaking world referring to the comparison to one's neighbor as a
benchmark for social class or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to "keep up with the Joneses" is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural inferiority.
Those are some big words.
I think of it more like that dumb song “anything you can do I can
do better”
Why do we have to be so competitive?
I stopped posting a lot of new things on FaceBook because it felt
like if I got something new, I got snarky remarks about it.
For example, when we bought my husband a new jeep a year or so
back. I posted a picture of him and his
new jeep on FB with a “happy birthday honey” and some silly thing about me
being the best wife ever . . .
I had people just shredding me – from comments like why would I post
that, was I trying to make this person feel bad because I got something new, to
comments about if you have so much money you should buy me this, or this.
Honestly it hurt my feelings. We work
very hard for our money, we budget our spending carefully and plan on our
purchases – especially the bigger ones.
Why can’t people just be happy for others when good stuff
Which brings me to my next little ramble/rant . . .
Why can’t people just be happy for others?
I see a lot of people just ranting about stuff – and then they
turn around and do the same thing.
For example – one person had a fit because people were posting
beach pictures, she threatened to unfriend them, yet when she is at the beach,
guess what she is posting?
Another had a complete come apart because someone posted their
reaction to an episode of a tv show – and this person had not seen the
show. The following week, same person
different show, posted a spoiler.
Come on people . . .
At the end of the day, is it going to matter if you have an
iPhone9 or a million dollar house, or if your neighbor has more chickens than
you do?
Is it going to matter if you missed your favorite show and someone
else got to watch it?
God’s words says that we are to love one another, not be envious
and petty and mean.
So when someone gets something that they want and they are happy
with it, whether it is a car, a phone, a tattoo, a house, a promotion, a baby,
a star named after them, their masters degree in the art of watching grass grow
. . . just be happy for them.
Have a blessed weekend!