Monday, November 8, 2021

take care of yourself!

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

-1 Corinthians 6:19-20


Did you know that there is a specific time period during the year dedicated to awareness or darn near everything health related?

Some diseases, defects and health concerns get a day like Family Health and Fitness Day, World Heart Day and National Donor Day.

Some get a week like National Eating Disorders Week, National Poison Prevention Week and Food Allergy Awareness Week. 
Others get a whole month like Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness, Breast Cancer Awareness, and Epilepsy Awareness.

Medical News Today lists hundreds of awareness campaigns that take place in the US each month and includes links to find out more about each event, there is even a Stress Awareness Month (I might need to research that one). 

With all these reminders to take care of ourselves, not many think to look back at the origin of taking care of our bodies. 
Paul wrote to the church in Corinth to remind them that as Christ followers they needed to set themselves to a higher standard ethically, morally and that included respecting and taking care of their bodies.

God gave us these bodies as a place for our spirit to dwell while on the earth, and the better care we take of our bodies the more time we have to share His word with others.

Treat your body like the temple that it is, take care of yourself.

If not for yourself, then do it for the glory of God.  




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