Wednesday, November 24, 2021

planes, trains and automobiles

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.

- Psalm 100:4


I should have named this one cars, trucks and motorcycles.

On this week’s challenge of finding something to be thankful for every day and focusing on how that something has been a blessing, today I choose transportation.

I am thankful for transportation.

This afternoon my husband and I will begin our journey to the great white north to spend Thanksgiving with his family.

This trip today almost did not happen for me, as my 91 year old mother who has Alzheimer’s disease fell yesterday morning and broke her right hip (broke her left one in June 2017), so I felt like I needed to stay here since she had surgery last night. 
After much conversation with the doctors and the hospital last night and this morning, we have determined that since I am not able to visit her at the hospital (or the skilled care facility) due to Covid restrictions, I am really of no use here, so I will go. 
I normally don’t look forward to the drive and this drive has been made in a car, in a truck and yes even on motorcycles. 

What I do look forward to is spending time with family. 
Family has always been important to me, and this year due to some health challenges it is more important than ever that I appreciate my family.

As we cross each state line I am thankful for whatever mode of transportation that is bringing us closer to our childhood homes. 
As we enter his parents’ house, I am thankful for the ability to spend this time with family.

As we worship with family on Sunday morning, I am thankful for the freedom to worship my Lord without fear.

Thankfulness is not just an emotion, it is a choice and a state of mind.

So take a moment now and ask yourself: What can I be thankful for?

How can I praise God’s name today?

Don’t be surprised to see your heart change as you do, because praise and thanksgiving is designed to take our eyes off of ourselves and place them on the One who has the power to change us.




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