Friday, November 26, 2021

still thankful

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 

- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Today is known as the biggest shopping day of the year.

It has been named “Black Friday” because historically on this day businesses would sell enough merchandise to “get out of the red” on their books and end the year strong.

It has morphed into an repulsive event with people fighting over items and just being ugly to one another (after just 12 hours prior talking about love and family and being thankful!)

I blame the Cabbage Patch Kids riots of 1983 for setting the stage for the craziness that we now know, but I was a fourteen year old in 1983 and my parents were not part of that craze. 

But I digress.

I am still thankful, but this verse about giving thanks in ALL circumstances?

That is a hard one.

How do we give thanks for the difficult things in life, the things that make us sad, the things that hurt, the things that feel like the world is coming down around us?

As I scrolled back through my posts over the years, I found this one to be especially poignant today, oddly enough on November 20, 2017 I used this same verse and here is what I had to say back then: 

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving day here in the U.S. and I am sure that many of you, myself included, are busy planning and preparing and perhaps traveling to celebrate this day with family and friends. 

As we prepare for the food, fellowship and football, don’t miss the greatest gift that you already have - Love.

Be thankful for your home – many are homeless.

Be thankful for food – many are hungry.

Be thankful for warm blankets and clothing – many are cold.

Be thankful for friends and family – many are alone.

Be thankful for pets – many have never known unconditional love.

Be thankful for courage – many live in fear.

Be thankful for freedom – many have died for your rights.

Be thankful for your car – many have to walk miles every day, no matter the weather.

Be thankful for children – many have been taken.

Be thankful for police, firemen, and EMTS – they are working while you enjoy your day.

Be thankful for the military – many will not be with their family and friends this year.

Be thankful for education – many don’t have the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for your faith – many are persecuted for their beliefs.

Be thankful for this email – many can’t read.

Be thankful for the annoying Christmas music that started November 1st – many can’t hear.

Be thankful for your job – many are unable to find employment.

Be thankful for laughter – many know only pain and sorrow.

This year I think we can add to that: 
Be thankful for your health – many are sick. 

Be thankful for the storms you have overcome – many struggle with their storms.

Be thankful for your church – many have not found their place to worship.

Be thankful for technology – we would have lost touch with so many without the wonders of technology.

Be thankful for love – the love of God surpasses any other love we have ever felt, and there is no greater gift.


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