Monday, November 15, 2021

when we need help

Cry out, “Save us, God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to Your holy name, and glory in Your praise.”

- 1 Chronicles 16:35


Life is hard, the struggle is real, and there are times when we just want to give up.

But we can’t give up, there is something that is driving us forward, preventing us from withdrawing from the world.

It is those times that we need help, we need to cry out to God and ask for Him to rescue us.

Song reference: 
Father to the fatherless

Defender of the weak

Freedom for the prisoner

We sing

This is God in his holy place

This is God clothed in love and strength

Sing out, lift your voice and cry out

Awesome is our strong God, mighty is our God

With us in the wilderness

Faithful to provide

Every breath and every step

We see

This is God in his holy place

This is God clothed in love and strength

Sing out, lift your voice and cry out

Awesome is our strong God, mighty is our God

When we cry out to God, He does hear us and He is there for us.

God really will defend us and we find freedom in Him, God in His holy place.

He is a strong and mighty God.

When we find ourselves out of the shadow of the gloom that we are feeling we can be thankful that He really is our Deliverer.




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