Thursday, May 4, 2023

more than Star Wars day

At all times, pray by the power of the Spirit. Pray all kinds of prayers. Be watchful, so that you can pray. Always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

- Ephesians 6:18 (NIRV)


Today is the National Day of Prayer.  

Prayer 101

Do you know how many time prayers are mentioned in the Bible (and how many were answered)?

There are 650 prayers listed in the Bible.

There are approximately 450 recorded answers to prayer in the Bible.

The first time that prayer is mentioned in the Bible is Genesis.

The Bible records Jesus praying 25 different times during His earthly ministry.

The apostle Paul mentions prayer (prayers, prayer reports, prayer requests, exhortations to pray), 41 times.

Although prayer can (and should) be done from any bodily position, the Bible lists five specific postures: sitting, standing, kneeling, with one's face to the ground, and with hands lifted up.

In Jesus’ model for how His disciples should pray, He provides five areas of focus: That God's name be honored - the focus on his everlasting glory (“Father, hallowed be your name”); that God's kingdom come - the focus on his eternal will (“your kingdom come”); that God's provision is given - the focus on our present (“Give us each day our daily bread.”); that God's forgiveness is granted - the focus on our past (Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.); that God's deliverance will be provided - the focus on our future.

The Bible lists at least nine main types of prayer: prayer of faith, prayer of agreement, prayer of request (also known as petition or supplication), prayer of thanksgiving, prayer of worship, prayer of consecration (also known as dedication), prayer of intercession,  prayer of imprecation, and praying in the Spirit.

Doesn’t that kind of want to make you have a conversation with God right now?
How can I pray for you? 



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