Friday, November 25, 2022

thankful forever

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.

- Chronicles 16:34 (NIV)


I hope everyone survived yesterday with all the food, family, and football and best wishes to those heading out for shopping today! 
I quit shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving a long time ago, with my anxiety about crowds that is not the place for me, so it was easier to just quit.

It’s ok for me to quit but did you know that God doesn’t quit?

The Message translation of this verse reads Give thanks to God — He is good and His love never quits.
His love never fails, never quits, He never gives up on us.

That is a huge reason to be thankful, isn’t it? 
Not a lot of parents can say that they never gave up on their kids, especially kids like us.

If we talked to God the way I have heard kids talk to their parents, you would think that He would turn His back on us (after washing our mouth out with soap) but He never has. 
I am so thankful for a God that loves me no matter what, that showers me with gifts every single day. 
Take time to reflect on what you are thankful for today. 



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