Monday, November 21, 2022

enter here

Give thanks as you enter the gates of His temple. Give praise as you enter its courtyards. Give thanks to Him and praise His name.

-Psalm 100:4 (NIRV)


As we enter the week where a lot of people celebrate Thanksgiving, we should really focus on being thankful this week. 
The Message translation for this verse reads: 
Enter with the password: “Thank you!” Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him. (MSG)

What if we didn’t save it for Thanksgiving but we entered every single day saying “thank you” to God? 
Honestly, we shouldn’t set aside just one day a year to say thank you for all He has done for us. 
I am thankful for you. 

Yes, you – if you are reading this than somehow our paths have crossed and I am grateful for that because you may have taught me something, given me something or maybe you are my friend. 

Thank you for that and thank God for putting us together. 
Wake up each morning with a thank you on your lips.  



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