Wednesday, November 23, 2022

get ready

Never stop praying. Be ready for anything by praying and being thankful.

- Colossians 4:2 (ERV)


People get ready, Jesus is coming!
Those are lyrics to a song from 1996 – did you know that? 

Granted, the song is about Jesus’ return and how we need to take time to know Him so when the day comes, we can go home with Him.

How do you think we do that, get ready, get to know Him?

Well, this says we can be ready for anything by praying and by being thankful.

Over the years I have seen a trend in social media where November is 30 days of thanks and I wonder, why only November, why only 30 days?

We should be thankful for that flat tire on the way to work, for losing our keys, for the long line at the store because these are all moments that God could use us to show someone else how to be thankful. 

Hey, thanks for reading this today, I hope you find something that you didn’t realize was a small gift and give thanks.



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