Monday, November 7, 2022

am I invisible?

Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these stars? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. 

- Isaiah 40:26 (NIV)


I have been posting my “daily bread” blog since May 2016.

That is 1,550 Bible verses along with my personal thoughts, pain and emotions associated with each one.

I send these little nuggets via email to 97 people every day.

Additionally, I post the link to my blog on Facebook, where I have 1,379 friends, to a Facebook group with 225 members, a workplace group (Facebook for businesses) with 1,817 members, on a chat channel with 11 members, I send it individually to 3 people via text message, 4 people via messenger and I post it on MeWe, InstaGram and Twitter where I am followed by 388 people collectively.

If everyone reads these posts (and I am aware that they don’t) that is potentially nearly 4,000 (yes, I did math) people that read a Bible verse every day.

So why do I feel invisible?

There are people that react with emojis on my Facebook posts that I am fully aware do not read my messages.

People that respond to the messages just to see what responses they can stir up.

I know for fact that I have readers that do not believe in God at all, but they read my words because sometimes what I have to say hits home, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof. 

So why am I feeling unseen and unheard today?

Why does it matter if the 4,000 people that “can” read my words do or don’t read them?

What difference does it make if I keep writing or if I just stop and disappear from social media completely?

Sometimes we all feel invisible and insignificant.

But we are not.

Every single minute of every single day, we are fully known and loved by Him.

As humans we crave acknowledgement from others - a pat on the back, a participation trophy for life.

In fact, our desire for absolute acceptance has caused us to create a society that has forgotten that it is ok to not be the center of attention.

And in that desire, we have also forgotten what really matters.

While human love and acceptance are nice to have, it is not the end game.

Stop seeking the approval of others because there is always going to be someone that fails to see us even if everyone else sees us. 
We are not invisible to God.

He loves us unconditionally. 
He knows every star in the sky by name, and He knows us by name too.



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