Thursday, January 4, 2018

the new is here

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
– 2 Corinthians 5:17

The new is here! 
I kind of feel like the same person though . . . what hope do we have of really having a “new year” if we are the same people?
I remember how excited I was to turn 16 (holy catfish that was a LONG time ago!) and my brother told me “first thing in the morning on your birthday, look in the mirror and tell me if you look any different.”
Of course I didn’t look different, but I felt different.
It is like when we dedicate our life to following Jesus, we are re-made, not just rehabilitated or reformed, but re-created — a new person.
We still look the same on the outside, but in our hearts we are made new.
When we are new, we see things from a different perspective and we can use this new perspective to do good.
I am going to let my outside shine and show the world that I am a child of God.  
I will take this new year, this new me,  and I will make a difference!

Have a blessed day!

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