Sunday, July 31, 2016

Watch your tongue!

Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.
James 3:10

Have you ever been somewhere and just listened to other people talking? The things that come out of some mouths is simply devastating. Words can hurt, people!!!  Compare the tongue to an ax - an ax destroys one tree at a time, and a tongue, one word of evil starts a destructiveness that spreads like wildfire. If your tongue spreads gossip, people will not trust you. If you speak with sarcasm and insults, and people will not follow you. Be hateful with your tongue, and you will be hateful with other aspects of your behavior. If you do not discipline and purify your speech, you will not discipline or purify the rest of your life.The tongue is full of deadly poison. We are compelled to be continually watchful--to keep the lid on the poison, to keep the discipline of our speech in place, because we know the power to destroy with our tongues is present as often as we speak.When we praise God, we are praising our Lord and Father.  When we slander or curse someone, that someone is made in the likeness of the Lord and Father.  Therefore, to treat people with contempt is to treat God's own greatness with contempt.To the person who speaks praise to God in the worship service and then abuses people verbally at home or at work, STOP!  "Purify your speech through the week." With the person who says, "Oh, I know I talk too much," and laughs it off, God is not amused. He insists, "Be quick to listen, slow to speak." By the person who boasts, "I always speak my mind, no matter who gets hurt," God is not impressed. He commands, "Discipline your speaking." Of the person who says, "I know I gossip too much, but I just can't help it," God requires, "Control your tongue." Of the person who is in the habit of speaking with insults, ridicule or sarcasm, God demands, "Change your speech habits." He expects discipline to be happening in the life of a Christ follower.  Any Christ follower can ask for the grace needed, for God gives good gifts and gives them generously.  There is, then, no justification for corrupt habits of speech in our churches today. We simply must repent.
Have a blessed day! 

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