“The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.”
- Luke 9:22 (NKJV)
Good Friday.
What is so “good” about it?
This is the day that God’s perfect Son was executed quite horrifically on the cross, and for what?
For sins that He did not commit.
So that we could have an everlasting life with the Father.
The days when Jesus walked on the earth were filled with evil, and yet God loved His creation enough that He sent His Son to give us a path away from evil.
Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen.
He knew that it was necessary.
Good Friday indeed.
Christ was sacrificed on the cross for us, Good Friday should be a day of sorrow, recognizing that Jesus is our atonement for sin.
The suffering that Jesus endured for us is unimaginable.
On this day darkness covered the land when the Lamb of God agonized on that “old rugged cross”.
When Jesus gave up His spirit, there was an earthquake and the veil was torn (the veil, being the curtain that separated the most Holy chamber from the rest of the temple, some say it is the doorway between Heaven and earth).
Jesus could not have been resurrected if He didn’t die, so that is what made this Friday so long ago “good”.
It wasn’t “goodbye” because Jesus didn’t abandon us.
On Sunday we will celebrate the risen King.
Friday may not have been “good” in the sense that we think of good things today, but when we focus on why it all happened, we realize that God did an amazing thing.
For us.
That is love, my friends.
Daily Inspiration from the Bible
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