Monday, May 11, 2020

happy Mother's Day

As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.”
- Isaiah 66:13

Happy Mother’s Day!
I know not all of you are mothers, but at some point in our lives we all had mothers!
I can remember being little, and I would run to my mom for comfort when I got hurt or scared.
Heck even as an adult when I was sick I wanted my mommy!
As a mom, I did my best to provide a level of comfort to my kids – even my fur kids (but I think we comfort each other).
It is good to know, that even after our mothers are gone, whether it’s because we moved on or they’ve gone to Heaven, we still have comfort.
We have comfort in our Lord, and no matter what we can always run to Him.

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