Wednesday, May 27, 2020


He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
- Mark 16:15

Wednesday, May 25th, 2016 – four years and two days ago I started posting my “daily bread” to my blog.
Back then I emailed daily to 84 people, today it is 122 people.
There are days that nearly 60 people have read the blog (nearly 1000 blog posts!).
That is a lot of people that are hearing the word of God, but we have so many more to reach!
Who can you share His word with today?
Are we Facebook friends, because if we are, you can share the link to my blog from there.
Do you want to forward this email?  I’m ok with that!
The more people that hear His word, the more people will want to know what it is about this God that we love so much.
And we should be ready to share Him with everyone.   

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