Monday, January 13, 2020

no words

Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was.
– Job 2:13

Most people suffer from something, life is certainly not perfect, nor was it promised to be.
This past week, I learned of the suicide of a friend, and the tragic death of another friend’s son and daughter-in-law.
The man that took his own life, we were not all that close, he worked with both hubby and I, and had been to our home several times over the past few years.
He left behind five beautiful daughters, and I just want to hug them.
The man and wife had just begun their life together, they were married in October, their parents are expectedly devastated.
What do you say to someone that has to deal with this sort of tragedy?
It is OK to say nothing, really, it is.
The worst thing that people can say when trying to comfort a friend is “I know how you feel”.
No, you don’t.
No matter if you have gone through the exact same situation, you cannot possibly know how another person feels.
Go to those who are hurting, hug them, bring them food, send flowers, or just sit with them in silence, so they know you are there.
Sometimes you speak volumes when you say nothing at all.

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