Friday, January 10, 2020

new clothes

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
- Colossians 3:12 (NIV)

I am horribly guilty of not always doing what is right, I am not always compassionate or kind, I have a mean streak - and we all know that I have a severe lack of patience. 
Most of my bad qualities come out when I am driving and when I am shopping – yes I am that person that judges you by your driving ability. 
Perhaps I am thinking about things wrong – it certainly would not be the first time. 
Compassion – if someone is driving like a maniac, maybe they are rushing due to an emergency. 
Kindness – in heavy traffic, we can let someone out at an intersection to keep traffic moving smoothly. 
Humility – knowing that we are not always right – not just in driving scenarios but in lots of situations. 
Gentleness – sometimes we just need to pat someone on the shoulder and be there for them, maybe they don’t need advice, just a presence. 
Patience – well, this one can be real in every minute of every day. 
I am a child of God.  
As His daughter, I need to work on my wardrobe.

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