Friday, October 13, 2023

don’t hide

No one can hide from God. His eyes see everything we do. We must give an answer to God for what we have done.

- Hebrews 4:13 (NLV)


Did y’all notice that it is Friday the 13th?

I sure did because it’s one of my favorite days.

Come on, for real, there is nothing anywhere that proves that Friday the 13th is unlucky.

Many think that the reason for the number 13's bad luck comes from the Bible!

Judas, who betrayed Jesus, is thought to have been the 13th guest to sit down to the Last Supper.

There is even a word for it: paraskevidekatriaphobia.

So, if you have paraskevidekatriaphobia, go ahead and stay in bed today, hide under the covers or in the closet.

But know this – you can’t hide from God.

God is always with you, and He is bigger than your fear.

We also need to know that we can’t hide our sin from God.
We might be able to lie, cheat or steal from our friends and family, but God sees everything.
We might never get caught by those we have wronged, but we all have to answer to God.
Don’t be afraid of Friday the 13th, it’s just a day, let your faith be bigger than your fear.
Don’t spend your life trying to hide, but instead be open and honest with everyone, especially God.



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