I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.
- Isaiah 45:3 (NKJV)
Did you know that some of the most precious jewels are made in the earth.
Depending on the minerals that are present and the climate surrounding the area, you might find a sparkling diamond, a deep red ruby or a shockingly blue sapphire.
But you have to dig deep in the layers of the earth, hidden in the darkness to find the jewels.
Sometimes we have to dig deep into ourselves to find what is precious.
How often are you faced with a challenge that you just don’t think that you can get through, and you come out on the other side refined and beautiful?
The struggles are real, the pain we go through is not easy, but hang in there!
God knows our layers.
Hawk Nelson released a song called Diamonds in 2015:
Here and now I'm in the fire in above my head
Being held under the pressure don't know what'll be left
But it's here in the ashes
I'm finding treasure
He's making diamonds, diamonds
Making diamonds out of dust
He is refining and in His timing
He's making diamonds out of us
I'll surrender to the power of being crushed by love
Till the beauty that was hidden isn't covered up
Oh it's not what I hoped for
It's something much better
He's making diamonds, diamonds
Making diamonds out of dust
He is refining and in His timing
He's making diamonds out of us
Oh the joy of the Lord
It will be my strength
When the pressure is on
He's making diamonds
Today I am thankful for the hidden treasures that God has given me.
I am thankful to be a diamond.
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