Monday, October 30, 2023

changing the world

Stand steady, and don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Bring others to Christ. Leave nothing undone that you ought to do.

- 2 Timothy 4:5 (TLB)


Those who know me well know that I belong to a motorcycle ministry called Christian Motorcyclists Association.
Our motto is “Changing the world, one heart at a time”. 
I have seen it happen. 
Our chapter has been in public on more than one occasion when someone has approached us, asking for prayer.
We have been on a ride and pulled off to the side of the road to check on our riders and had people in a vehicle stop with us because they knew they would be safe.

The New King James Version translation of this verse is But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

This is what we do.
We aren’t afraid to suffer or endure afflictions because we know that God is putting us in the right place at the right time so we can share His love.
Not just His word, but His love. 
We may not have said one thing about God to the people in the vehicle, but they knew they were safe.
We fulfill our ministry by telling people about our God, by showing people the wonderful things He can do, and by living everyday for Him.



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