Monday, October 17, 2022

time to fight

For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.

- Deuteronomy 20:4 (NIV)


I’ve been in a few physical fights in my lifetime.

My first fist fight was in like the 5th grade and when I tell you I don’t remember what my friend and I were fighting about, that is the honest truth!

All I remember is that we were fighting on the playground at recess, I hit her over the head with my cast (I was sporting a broken arm) and she hit me with a baseball bat.

After we were sent to the principal’s office, we were both assigned essays to write by the end of the day.

My second fist fight was my best friend and I fighting over a guy, I was trying to get her to talk to me when she punched me in the eye resulting in an incredibly painful shiner, but a few weeks later we were good again (neither of us ended up with that guy).

Both ladies are still my friends and if they read this they can certainly chime in with their version of events.

I can’t say that any of us had victory out of those fights.

I can say that I didn’t like physically fighting, it ended very painfully both emotionally and physically.

I wish that I would have let the Lord fight for me back then because I think the results would have been a lot less painful.

We are fortunate to have a God that loves us enough to fight our battles.



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