Friday, October 14, 2022

forgive me

Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

- Luke 6:37 (NIV)


Forgiveness is something that I have really struggled with in my life.

Not just me forgiving others but asking others to forgive me.

Unfortunately, one of my biggest flaws is that I tend to hold a grudge.

When someone does something that I perceive as wrong to me or to someone else I can become a very ugly version of myself.

I have vindictive thoughts and even though those thoughts don’t become a reality the fact that they bubble to the surface makes me ashamed.

And how does one ask forgiveness of someone if that person doesn't even realize that they did something “wrong”. 
Then the bitterness sets in. 

A good friend of mine posted a pretty profound paragraph on social media last week, he gave me permission to share: 

The topic of bitterness has long been examined and the effects of bitterness have been described as insidious, destructive and debilitating for those who harbor it. When someone is dealt an emotional blow many feelings occur, sadness, self-doubt, anger and bitterness are but a few examples. The danger happens when the normal healing process is interrupted and a person no longer wants to return to it. “Emotionally stuck” is a phrase commonly used to describe where the person begins to dwell on their hurt and the healing stops. Inwardly, the person can become disconnected or self-loathing and outwardly, vindictive or vengeful. Those who follow this path of self-pity fall into the bondage of time past. When bitterness takes hold and they fall into reliving that moment of hurt, regretfully debating what could have been done or what should have been said. At this point the person is trapped, no longer recognizing that the time that has been lived cannot be relived or fixed. In falling into this trap they deny themselves the victory and freedom Christ secured for us.

Bitterness is a powerful emotion and its consequences can be catastrophic. The person must not dismiss the hurt or sweep it under a rug rather they must process the hurt and I pray that they do this in a way that they are able to heal. If necessary, they must seek help from a counselor, pastor or other professional but first seeking our Healer and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ!

Make your decision for Freedom not bondage!

This opened my eyes when I recognized myself.

I hope that if you see yourself in any of today’s conversation that you will take a step back and ask forgiveness. 
Start with God. 



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