Friday, October 7, 2022

motorcycle rides

In your majesty, ride out to victory, defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds!

- Psalm 45:4 (NLT)


This week is a week of fun and rides and camaraderie for motorcycle enthusiasts in Northwest Arkansas as Bike Blues and BBQ is held in the area.

Everywhere you go in this corner of the state you are going to see motorcycles. 
I ask that you spend a moment in your prayers asking for their safety and the safety of all the vehicles on the road.

The cool thing about being a motorcycle enthusiast is seeing other like-minded individuals coming together for a purpose.

Did you know that there are many motorcycle groups out there whose sole purpose is to spread the Gospel?

Look at the patches on the jackets, vests, and t-shirts you see around town this week, you will find that many sport the colors of a group that claims Jesus as their Savior.

And when you approach them, (they are approachable) they are more than willing to hear your story, pray with you and tell you their story. 
Salvation stories are the best stories because they are proof that our God is an amazing God.

Those of us that do belong to these groups ride to share His victory, His truth, and His justice.




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