Friday, October 21, 2022

there is truth

First of all, I want you to know that in the last days men will laugh at the truth. They will follow their own sinful desires. They will say, “He promised to come again. Where is He? Since our early fathers died, everything is the same from the beginning of the world.” But they want to forget that God spoke and the heavens were made long ago. The earth was made out of water and water was all around it. Long ago the earth was covered with water and it was destroyed. But the heaven we see now and the earth we live on now have been kept by His word. They will be kept until they are to be destroyed by fire. They will be kept until the day men stand before God and sinners will be destroyed.

- 2 Peter 3:3-7 (NLV)


I’m hearing a lot about the end days recently.

The viruses, war, natural disasters, people everywhere think that we are facing end times.

They have “ammunition” and “proof” that we are going to see the end of the world very soon.

Remember when the world was supposed to end in 2012 because the Mayan calendar went no further?

Surprise!  We are still here, ten years later.

If we take a hard look at the earth and everything that has changed in the last 2,000 years, we will see that there is not truth in “the end is coming” conspiracy theories. 
God made the heavens and the earth; they are still here. 

God made the fish in the sea and the animals of the land; they are still here.

God made humans; and we are still here.

Let’s stop trying to figure out when the world is going to end or when Jesus is coming back and live our lives the way He asked us to live. 
That will make the time that we are here way better. 



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