Wednesday, October 26, 2022

healing will come

Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.

- Jeremiah 33:6 (NIV)


Oh, this one is hard.

In this verse, Jeremiah reveals messages that he has received from God.

The city of Jerusalem had been destroyed by the Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar and God was giving Jeremiah the gift of prophecy, letting him know to tell the people (Israel) that He was still Lord, and that Jerusalem would be restored, that the city and the fields would soon be strong and prosperous because that is what the Lord promised Israel and the Lord keeps His word.

Often, we are like Jerusalem in that we let others destroy us.

It could be a cantankerous boss that never says anything good about the work you put it. 
Maybe it’s a person that you considered a friend who suddenly turns their back on you with slander and horrible gossip.
Or perhaps a parent that has never understood how to love a child and only brought sadness to your life. 
Even our children potentially feel that the world owes them, and they are ungrateful for the love we poured into them.

Sometimes our spouse continuously breaks our spirit.

We can’t get away from these people because we need our jobs or they are family.

We live in a world full of hate and toxicity and it hurts.

It really hurts.

But God promises us healing, peace and security.

It’s hard to wait for that healing and there are days when we feel there is no peace.

Hang in there, the Lord keeps His word.



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