Wednesday, July 13, 2022

today is the day!

From birth I have relied on You; You brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.

- Psalm 71:6 (NIV)


For those of you that don’t know me super well, today is my birthday!

Fifty-three years I have been on this earth despite a few close calls where God could have taken me home but didn’t.

There are a lot of people that I give credit for me being here today, for the person that I have become.  

When I reflect of the last fifty-two years, I know that there were moments where I was not a shining example of a child of God.

I have learned to rely on God, He knows me, He made me, He calls me His own.  

Somewhere I read “Birthdays are a celebration of another year of living, God is the one who gave us life, and we should not forget to glorify Him for all that He has done and will do.” 

So today while I am excited about celebrating, I am also remembering to thank the One who made me.




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