Monday, June 13, 2022

heading out again

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

- Psalm 46:10


It’s time for another break.

I know I have taken a few breaks this year, but I truly come back relaxed and ready to face the next giant.

The last few weeks I have seen more families lose a loved one than I have seen in a long time. 

Some of these deaths were personal to me, others I didn’t know but I still hurt for those families.

In the craziness of today’s world especially when we are faced with so much death and uncertainty, we all need a break.
Give yourself time to be still, let the peace of God fill your heart, meditate on His presence, notice that He is all around you.

Take time to rest in Him and be refreshed.

Be still.

Listen to the wind or the rain.

Be still.

Listen to His creation around you.

Be still.

Know that He is God.

Be still.


I will not be writing for the next few days because I don’t know if I will have cell service.  I’ll be back next week to share more of my thoughts with you.

Have a blessed week my friends.



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