Wednesday, March 20, 2019

every day

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
- Colossians 4:2

I have never been one for new year’s resolutions, because I most always broke them pretty much before I even got started.
This year, however, I resolved to wake up 30 minutes early every day so I could read a daily devotional (or three!) and talk to God via journaling.
It is March 20th, the 79th day of 2019, and I have only missed two days (dumb migraines).
I really feel that my life has been enhanced by this time I spend with God.
I may be tired when I wake up, I may yawn through the reading and writing, but I will not give it up.
This time I spend, reading devotions, reading the Bible, writing in my prayer journal and writing these daily bread memos for my email/blog, this has allowed me to be more thankful. 
I see what spending time with Him does for me, and I truly hope that it makes a difference for you too.
Have a blessed day.


  1. That's been my struggle..setting aside time
    for cultivating that relationship with Him!

    1. It was hard to do it, but I started setting my alarm and getting out of bed 30 minutes earlier. That 30 minutes with just me and God makes the day start much better :)


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