Wednesday, March 6, 2019

don’t be angry

Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.
- 1 Timothy 2:8

Have you ever noticed that you say things that you don’t mean when you are angry?
Do you find that when you are arguing with people, you do not get to the resolution you need?
I admit that one of my vices is watching network television, and the show “Charmed” (it’s a show about sisters that are powerful witches, their power is due to their relationship).  Like many network television shows, this one has been rebooted this season, with different sisters learning how to be “the charmed ones”.
In one of the episodes, they were trying to destroy a demon and they found that their magic was not working, no matter how hard they tried.
One of the sisters had an epiphany that the magic would not work because she was mad at one of the other sisters, so she confessed her anger, and they tried again. 
It still didn’t work, so another sister confessed her anger, once the air was clear and the anger out in the open, their magic worked and they were able to vanquish the demon.
When we live peacefully with one another it pleases God (and we get HIS magic!!).
We should not dwell on anger, we should not continue to fight with one another. 
So I challenge you to go mend fences, so you can pray without anger.
Have a blessed day.

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