Friday, February 8, 2019

life is painful

But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.
- 1 Peter 4:13

If there is a single person out there reading this who has never experienced a painful life experience, than you can stop reading right now.
We all have something in our lives that has damaged us – life is painful!
Many times, the experience results in fear, for example, a car accident during a winter storm may leave you with a fear of driving on ice.
Even though that danger is over right now at this very minute, you might get a chill thinking about having to drive in those conditions again.
This may prevent you from going places and doing thing that you might enjoy, therefore affecting your personal relationships and perhaps even your perception of God.
My favorite line from the movie Soul Surfer is from the main character’s youth pastor.
“I don't know why terrible things happen to us sometimes. But I have to believe something good is going to come out of this.”
Sometimes, bad things happen and we may never know why.
We just know that we survived it, we have another day ahead of us, and God will never ever make us navigate these waters alone.
We might end up with a scar or two, but in the end, we are who we are because He made us and these trials and scary times just bring us closer to Him.
Hang in there, God has this too.
Have a blessed day!  

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