Wednesday, February 27, 2019

let me in!

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
- Revelation 3:20

I am kind of a freak about locking my doors, in the house in the car, I have never really lived in one of those towns where you could leave your doors and windows open and your keys in the ignition and not worry about your stuff.
So when someone knocks on my door, unless I am expecting company, I am a little (a lot) skeptical about their reason for being at my door in the first place.
Back in the day, I was a country music fan – I know, it was a crazy thing . . . but there was this song that had a cool beat and interesting lyrics. 
It is probably mildly inappropriate here, but I promise there is a tie in – the song was “Somebody’s Knockin’” and here is a snippet of the lyrics:
Somebody's knockin'
Should I let him in
Lord it's the devil
Would you look at him
I've heard about him
But I never dreamed
He'd have blue eyes and blue jeans
Well somebody's talkin'
He's whispering to me
Your place or my place
Well, which will it be
I'm gittin' weaker
And he's comin' on strong
But I don't wanna go wrong
OK, here is the tie in – there is always someone knocking.
It is really up to you to answer – it could be the devil and he could have a heck of a deal for you, or it could be Jesus, with a far better deal.
But you have to answer the door.
You can slam it in the face of the devil when you realize you don’t want that mess.
Listen to the voice that is behind the knock, let Jesus into your heart.
You won’t regret His presence in your life.
Have a blessed day.

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