Wednesday, January 30, 2019

organizing, tidying, decluttering

Godliness with contentment is great gain.
- 1 Timothy 6:6

I have heard more about Marie Kondo in the last few weeks than anyone else (save the politicians).
Seriously, I have refused to watch her show because 1) I don’t have time and 2) if I started following her plan, I would be out for a year, because I know I have too much stuff!
It really isn’t just about stuff though, is it?
When we have too much clutter, is it really just an underlying need to prove to ourselves or others that we can “afford” these things?
We humans tend to have a desire for the excess material things.
We overindulge.
We judge our lives by our possessions.
My “Paws for a moment with God” devotional says that when we develop the discipline to live within our means, we put ourselves in a position to truly enjoy life, to be released from the burden of debt and from the never ending responsibility of upkeep and storage.
I don’t know about you, but I think that I could use contentment.
It all starts in your heart though, not in your home.
Sorry, Ms. Kondo, I know you say that we should throw it away, but I think I am going to start with clearing my heart to make room for Jesus.
Have a blessed day!

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