Wednesday, January 23, 2019

paws for a moment

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
- 1 Corinthians 10:31

I am really loving my daily devotionals, especially the one “Paws for a moment with God, devotionals best shared with a cat”.
Yes, that is a real book, I got it for my birthday.
I was especially touched by the words that accompanied this verse:
Perhaps there is no such thing as even a minimally humble cat, but there are many extraordinarily humble Christians.  Some are so “humble” that they allow no praise for anything they do!
Exaggerated humility prevents others from recognizing the gifts God has given us.  By contrast, gracious humility accepts earned compliments, always giving the glory to God, because it is in Him we have our power and strength.
While at times we may want to remain the anonymous angel, there are also times we may accept acknowledgement of God’s work in our lives.  A heartfelt “thank you” marks genuine humility.
Many times I have had people tell me that my “daily bread” has touched them and I have always responded with something along the lines of “I’m just doing what God wants me to do.”
So in light of the words from “Paws for a moment with God”, let me just say “Thank you”.
I appreciate your kind words and support in what I do.
Have a blessed day.

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