Wednesday, January 2, 2019

i am making time

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
- Psalm 90: 12

In working on my resolutions, I have three daily devotionals that I am reading.
I guess three is a little crazy, since my resolution was to read “a daily devotional” but I really can’t make up my mind which one I want to read, so all three it is.
The important thing is making the time to read them.
Last year I only got to January 12th on the one book I had, and this year I am trying to do all three? 
Check back with me in a week or two (grin).
I have written my 3 resolutions in my planner in the “remember” section.
Planners are a great tool, much like this verse, a planner can help teach us to number our days.
Spending time each day with God is a huge way to gain a heart of wisdom.
Don’t wish me luck on keeping my resolutions though, instead, pray with me that God will guide me in keeping them.
Have a blessed day.

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