Wednesday, July 31, 2024

take it back

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

- John 10:10 (NKJV)

Today’s commentary is long, but bear with me, you won’t be disappointed!!
I get a lot of my ideas for writing when I am listening to Christian radio, and I do try to use my own words in my little “daily bread”.
Sometimes though, when I am researching a specific song or verse, I find something so profound it needs to be shared, as is the case today.
I wanted to talk today about a song that was released in 2022 by Tauren Wells and We The Kingdom called Take It All Back.
I am not sure how I did not hear this song until recently!! 
Please read the lyrics – I know some people skip over this part, I am asking you not to skip it today:
​​Fears got me living with the lights out

Chained down like a prisoner in my own house

Shame cycles like a daily medication

I try but I can't change my situation

'Cause the liar comes to rob my joy

Yeah, I'm bruised but I'm not destroyed

I'm rising like an army

And you're gonna hear the sound


I'm calling the angels down

I'm storming the gates of hell

Tell the devil he don't own my soul

I'm taking back what the enemy stole

I'm raising the battle cry

I'm holding the banner high

With the power of the holy ghost

I'm taking back what the enemy stole

Oh oh oh

You can't speak your lies over my family, no

You can't break the promises that are standing, no

Ain't gotta flex to put you back in your place now

One name is all I gotta say, Jesus


Take it all back

Take it all back

I'm taking back what the enemy stole

We're done with all the mind games you try to play

If ain't clear yet I want everything you took from me

In the name of the one who is peace, the one who heals all disease

The only reason that I am free, that name is Jesus

Lord of lords and king of kings


The name that makes the demons flee

I want it all now, I'm taking it back now

Yeah, you know it's going down when you hear the sound


Oh, oh, oh

Take it all back

Take it all back

I'm taking back what the enemy stole

Taking my peace back (you can't hold me down)

Taking my joy back

Take it all back, take it all back

I'm taking back what the enemy stole

This song sent chills down my spine.
Air1, a local Christian Radio station, has a great website that includes things like worship sessions with different artists.
In the session “Faith Behind The Song” they take a deep dive to talk about Take It All Back.  
Friends, this is amazing, I have removed a bit of the content, but don’t discount it because it is long – seriously read it.
​​In the Garden of Eden, Eve's first temptation was doubting God.

The first temptation Adam faced, however, was passivity. He failed to remind Eve of what God had told him and followed her suggestion to eat the fruit.

Passivity has been a temptation for men and women ever since. It's far easier to be passive than to step up with courage. Starting in childhood, when another kid gets bullied, it takes courage to not passively sit by while another child is hurt. In teenage years, walking in purity and self-control takes courage when your friends and the culture reward the opposite. In adulthood, it takes courage to say something to a friend who is addicted to work, always having the third glass of wine, or constantly checking their phone.

However, the Holy Spirit empowers us to claim our victory because of the cross and the empty tomb.

Wells' song is a bold, faith-filled anthem that inspires the opposite of passivity in listeners. When the song was released, Wells stated, "My hope is to empower you with the faith it takes to go get what God has promised you back! Are you bold enough to believe that God has given you the power to reclaim what the enemy stole from your life?! "

Wells' sentiment echoes Jesus' famous words recorded in John 10:10: "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." Jesus was clear with his disciples that our enemy, Satan, intended to take God's blessings from them.

As a pastor, I often encounter people who feel stuck in life. It's like they're walking in a fog, unable to see clearly the promises of God and unable to feel His presence. It can take the encouragement of a friend or the powerful words of a song like "Take It All Back" to break through the fog.

Later in the song, Wells goes on the offensive. Rejecting passivity, Wells boldly declares his faith and commits to courageous obedience.

If Wells' song has inspired you in your tendency towards passivity, these Scriptures and the song lyrics outline a bold action plan.

First, acknowledge you're in a spiritual battle with an enemy more powerful than you. Remembering this truth is essential because, like any soldier, you lose every battle you don't know you're fighting. 

Second, remember that Satan is not more powerful than Jesus. While Satan is the enemy of God, he is not his equal.

Third, reject passivity and take hold of all God has given you. From the armor of God to the power of the Holy Spirit to the promises God has made to His people, you have far more than you can imagine at your disposal in this battle. You are not a defeated victim. You have the victory by the same power that raised Jesus from the grave. As Romans 8:37 declares, "No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us."

If you're in a foggy season of anxiety, doubt, or pain, then give "Take It All Back" a listen. Remember who God is and stand in the victory He has won today!
That my friends, is how we take back what the enemy stole. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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