Friday, July 12, 2024

seeking wisdom

But do people know where to find wisdom? Where can they find understanding? No one knows where to find it, for it is not found among the living.

- Job 28:12-13 (NLT)


There are phrases that can really get under our skin, things that people say that just make us cringe.
For me there is quite a list, and right on top is one someone says, “I know exactly how you feel”.
No, you don’t. 
There is no way that you can know exactly how anyone feels in a given situation, except yourself.
I know several people that have lost a parent, including me, but no one knew exactly how I felt when my mother died.
Even simpler things like a minor surgery or getting a migraine, we were all made unique, which means that we each feel and react differently to stimuli.
Even people in the Bible, there were only a few people in the Bible that suffered as much as Job did.
He literally lost everything except his life, and even though he struggled to understand what was going on, he stood on his faith that God was wise and knew of his trouble.
Job honestly questioned what was happening multiple times, yet he did not let his situation break his belief that God would deliver him from it all.

God does the same for us, He puts out fires we may never see, He stops horrible things from destroying us.
We may struggle and think that no one knows what is going on, but right in the middle of our problems God is holding on to us.

He loves us and is there for us, no matter what obstacles we face.
He is wise, He sees our suffering.
We won’t find that kind of love and understanding in our family and friends, no matter how hard they try, it can only be found in Him.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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