Tuesday, July 16, 2024

so greedy

The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the Lord will prosper.

- Proverbs 28:25 (NIV)


I have a cat that is very food driven, nearly every time that I walk into the kitchen, he races to his food dish in the laundry room thinking he’s getting fed (he’s not getting fed every time). 
When I do feed him (and the other cats) often he will eat so much, so fast that he ends up getting sick.
No prosperity there, but since he’s a cat, he yaks and then goes about his business.
We have several stray cats in the neighborhood that I feed too, but outside food attracts outside critters like opossums, raccoons, dogs that have escaped the boundaries of their yard,  and the occasional fox, it's fun to watch the “backyardagains” as we call them on the security cameras. 
The raccoons though – those creatures are greedy. 
I have seen them chase away opossums and cats to get the whole dish to themselves.
They clean up the cat food and any other random leftovers I put out there so quickly, then come back multiple times during the night expecting more.

Their greed gets them nowhere though because I only put out food once a day.
I see people that are the same way really, the will push and chase others away and climb over one another to get what they want in life, whether it is a promotion at work, recognition for something that was done, a nice house or car or other luxury items.
It’s really sad to see adults that are supposed to be leaders that are so jealous of someone else’s success that they will lie, cheat, steal and manipulate others to get what they want.
We don’t have to be that way. 
God has shown us over and over that He will provide for us.

When we stop being greedy and start being grateful, we begin to see changes in things that come to us.
There is always going to be the “one-uppers” in the world, there is nothing we can do to change that, but we can change how we conduct our own lives.
Instead of being greedy and selfish, we can be generous with our time, our money, our possessions, and trust in God to take care of us.
The ways He will prosper us may really surprise you. 



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

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