Friday, June 30, 2023

to be safe

And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 

- James 5:15 (NKJV)

 I saw a story on Facebook the other day and of course, I cannot find it now, so I can’t quote it or credit the author but I will try to paraphrase. 

The story was about a man who was sitting with his dying father. 
The father told his son that he was afraid, afraid of dying, afraid of going to hell. 
The son told his father that he didn’t have to be afraid, and he didn’t have to go to hell, that all he had to do was ask for forgiveness and accept Jesus in his heart. 
They cried together, they prayed together and when the father passed away, the son was comforted in knowing that his dad was with the Heavenly Father. 
This verse makes me feel safe. 
I am a horrible sinner; I know the difference between right and wrong and yet I find myself continuing to fight the battle like Jesus isn’t on my side. 
I told my husband recently that I don’t think I will go to Heaven because I have sinned too much and even though I ask for forgiveness and even though I hate my sin, it doesn’t stop me the next time sin knocks on my door from swinging that door wide open and letting sin enter. 
This verse reminds me that God loves me, no matter what, and He knows that I am trying.


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