Thursday, June 29, 2023

one heart

 And I will give them one heart and one purpose: to worship me forever, for their own good and for the good of all their descendants.

- Jeremiah 32:39 (NLT)


Did you know that octopuses (octopi?) and squids have three hearts?

Two hearts pump blood to the gills to take up oxygen, and the other pumps blood around the body.

The hagfish contains four hearts.

I have trouble with my one heart (physically and emotionally!) I am not sure what I would do with three or four!!! 
Thankfully, God made us perfect, with one heart and that one heart has one purpose – to love Him. 
OK, technically our heart pumps blood and oxygen to our bodies to keep us alive, but what would life be if we didn’t have love. 
How would we know what love is if we didn’t have God? 
Somewhere else in the Bible it says something like we love because He first loved us – oh yeah – that is in 1 John 4:19 (I knew that, did you?) 
God gives us our heart to love Him and each other. 
Love makes us feel good. 
Love makes things seem a little less overwhelming. 

Maybe we should stop hating so much and try love for a while.



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