Thursday, April 13, 2023

under fire

Blessed is the person who keeps on going when times are hard. After they have come through hard times, this person will receive a crown. The crown is life itself. The Lord has promised it to those who love him.

- James 1:12 (NIRV)


So many trials!

There are days when I feel like I am personally under fire, and it comes from all directions. 
Days when I just want to crawl into a hole and shut out the whole world. 
But I can’t do that, and neither should you. 

Sometimes it feels like the controversy will never stop, but we must remember that there is a reward for those who are willing to stay on the path until the end.

Our lives can be turned upside down in the blink of an eye and suddenly, we are missing huge parts of us.

The way that we live should draw attention to God, no matter what trials we are facing because people notice us, how we react to tragedy and joy, and when they notice us, they notice God. 

When we face adversity, we don’t need to be afraid because God has a crown for those who stay true to what they believe.

I try to live every day, so people see Him in me.

I hope you do as well.



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