Wednesday, April 19, 2023

give it up

Then Jesus said to them all, “If anyone wants to follow Me, he must give up himself and his own desires. He must take up his cross everyday and follow Me. If anyone wants to keep his own life safe, he must lose it. If anyone gives up his life because of Me, he will save it.

- Luke 9:23-24 (NLV)


This one is hard, ya’all.

Jesus told more than one person that they had to give up everything and follow Him. 
Sell everything they owned and give the money to charity. 

Leave the family business and travel with Him.

Walk away from their lives and families to join the crowds that gathered to listen to Him everywhere He went. 
Do you think you could do that, if Jesus walked up to you today, took your hand and said, “let’s go”, would you be able to walk away from your job, your family, every creature comfort you have provided for yourself over the years? 
Yet this is what we are asked to do. 
Give up everything. 
Come to terms with the vulnerable and weak parts of ourselves. 
Admitting the embarrassment and acknowledging the hurt. 
Jesus took His cross humbly, putting God’s will above Himself. 
We are asked to be obedient to Him.
And it is hard, but the bottom line is that eternal life is found in Him. 


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