Monday, April 24, 2023

to tell the truth

God is always true even if every man lies. The Holy Writings say, “Speak the truth and you will not be proven guilty.

- Romans 3:4 (NLV)

When someone tells one lie, they end up having to tell another and another to cover up the original lie, and soon they believe their initial lie to be the truth. 
These people lie so often that it comes easily to them, easier than telling the truth, lying is a habit. 
Lying becomes compulsive, they don’t even have to think about it to lie.  

They basically get a “high” from telling lies and getting away with it, and they feel no remorse when caught in their lies.

Mark Twain said, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything”, telling the truth is a lot less stressful than having to remember the lies you told. 
The Bible says that we should always tell the truth, because in the truth we will be set free.

There are over one hundred verses in the Bible about why truth is the way. 
If we live our lives in truth, we have nothing to feel guilty about, so we can’t be proven guilty.   




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