Tuesday, February 7, 2023


I know what you are doing. See! You do not have much power, but you have obeyed My Word. You have not turned against Me. So I have given you an open door that no man can shut.

- Revelation3:8 (NLV)


There are lots of sayings about opening doors, from the optimistic Tomorrow’s door will only open when you walk through today’s to the forebodingWhen one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.

Crazy things happen in life.

People go through many ups and downs - don’t ever let anyone convince you that they have never had a bad day, because it’s all part of growing - life is messy, not perfect.

We all have disappointments and struggles; we all have had doors slammed in our faces, but it is important when we are dealing with the stress that we don’t forget who made us.  

God knows we are tired and hurting, and that is when we need to turn to Him fully.

He knows, and He is with us.

Here is a new one for you Until God opens the next door, praise Him in the hallway ”. 

That is a big ask for some of us.

Many times we pray for doors to open, but we forget to pray when they are closed. 
Let’s start praising Him in the hallway. 




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