Wednesday, February 1, 2023

call someone

If you do not have wisdom, ask God for it. He is always ready to give it to you and will never say you are wrong for asking.

- James 1:5 (NLV)


Sometimes we have questions, I mean who doesn’t?

Sometimes we go to other people for answers and sometimes we “google” the answers.

When I was growing up (I am about to age myself here) if I asked a question I was often told to look it up, which meant going to the Encyclopedia or the library.

Kids today have things so much easier with “the googles” but they still need to be careful because not everything on the internet is true (what???).

Wisdom can be found through many sources, but the best wisdom will come from God.

Check out this song:

I'm so very ordinary, nothing special on my own.

Oh, I have never walked on water,

And I have never calmed a storm.

Sometimes I'm hiding away from the madness around me

Like a child who's afraid of the dark

But when I call on Jesus,

All things are possible

I can mount on wings like eagles' and soar

When I call on Jesus,

Mountains are gonna fall

'Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call

Weary brother, broken daughter,

Widowed, widowed lover, you're not alone

If you're tired and scared of the madness around you

If you can't find the strength to carry on

But when I call on Jesus,

All things are possible

I can mount on wings like eagles' and soar

When I call on Jesus,

Mountains are gonna fall

'Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call

Call Him in the morning, in the afternoon time

Late in the evening He'll be there

When your heart is broken,

And you feel discouraged,

You can just remember that He said

He'll be there

When we have something on our mind that we just can’t figure out, we can find answers by calling God.

There was also a thing called a phonebook when I was growing up, another place you could find information.

The Bible has a phonebook:



When in sorrow

John 14

When men fail you

Psalm 27

When you have sinned

Psalm 51

When you worry

Matthew 6:19-34

When you are in danger

Psalm 91

When God seems far away

Psalm 139

When your faith needs stirring

Hebrews 11

When you are lonely and fearful

Psalm 23

When you grow bitter and critical

I Corinthians 13

When you feel down and out

Romans 8:31

When you want peace and rest

Matthew 11:25-30

When the world seems bigger than God

Psalm 90

When you want Christian assurance

Romans 8:1-30

When you leave home for labor or travel

Psalm 121

When your prayers grow narrow or selfish

Psalm 67

When you want courage for a task

Joshua 1

When you think of investments and returns

Mark 10

If you are depressed

Psalm 27

If your pocketbook is empty

Psalm 37

If you are losing confidence in people

I Corinthians 13

If people seem unkind

John 15

If discouraged about your work

Psalm 126

If self pride/greatness takes hold

Psalm 19

If you want to be fruitful

John 15

For understanding of Christianity

II Corinthians 5:15-19

For a great invention/opportunity

Isaiah 55

For how to get along with fellow men

Romans 12

For Paul’s secret to happiness

Colossians 3:12-17


For dealing with fear

Psalm 34:7

For security

Psalm 121:3

For assurance

Mark 8:35

For reassurance

Psalm 145:18


Emergency numbers may be dialed direct.
No operator assistance is necessary.
All lines to Heaven are open 24 hours a day!


We can trust the wisdom received from the Father way more than the internet.



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