Wednesday, February 8, 2023

the source of power

They promise that these men will be free. But they themselves are chained to sin. For a man is chained to anything that has power over him.

- 2 Peter 2:19 (NLV)


It is no secret to anyone that knows me that I love cats.

OK, I am kind of known as a “crazy cat lady”, so many of my friends buy me cat related items and I subscribe to a monthly “Cat Lady Box”. 
I have a magnet that reads 

Cat Owner’s Manual

  1. No one owns a cat. 

A cat owns you. 

B. Refer to A.

If you have ever had any sort of furry friend, you know this to be pretty accurate and I personally have felt the chains of being owned by my cats.

Let’s get real though because having pets is not a sin, but some of the vices that humans have can be dangerous, some of the fear we have from having been surrounded by this danger has a terrible grip on us. 

Fortunately for humans, we do not have to remain in the shadow of our sin, we can turn to the chain breaker, Jesus.

We have freedom in the blood of our Savior.

I’m no longer a slave to fear, my chains are gone, I’ve been set free, I am a child of God.

And all those other song lyrics that remind us of who we are, whose we are.

Turn to our source of power, the King of kings.



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