Thursday, September 15, 2022

what are you looking at?

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

- 1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)


This is another verse that I’ve used before in my musings, and obviously one that bears repeating.

We as humans tend to look at others and immediately jump to conclusions about them based on what we see.

If we say that we have never done that, we are lying to ourselves.

Be honest - how many times have you been out in public and saw someone that just made you wonder what they were thinking?

From the multi-colored hairstyles to piercings, to clothing that has seen its better days, we all have passed someone that made us wonder.

But underneath the pierced eyebrow and gauged ear, underneath the plaid shirt and striped pants is a human – a being created by God, just like you.

People can change their outward appearance to depict any personality trait that they wish, make-up hairstyles, tattoos, clothing, all that goes into individual choices on what a person will display to the world about their personality.

Aren’t we fortunate that our God doesn’t look at our outward appearance?

He doesn’t care if we have a zit on our nose, it doesn’t matter to Him if our lipstick is smudged or if we have super thick glasses.

God sees our heart, what matters to Him is our heart.

No matter what statement you are trying to convey to the world, God sees your heart, He knows who you are.

I am so very glad that God doesn’t look at me and see what I see in the mirror.

I pray that God gives me His eyes to see people the way He does.




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