Tuesday, September 20, 2022

giving up

My soul gave up all hope, but then I remembered the Lord. I prayed to You, and You heard my prayers in Your holy Temple.

- Jonah 2:7 (ERV)


I am about to get really real here.

I have struggled most of my life with depression.

We are not talking about having a bad day here and there, we are talking about days when simply breathing is too much of a burden to bear.

I attempted suicide multiple times (not recently, the last attempt was in the late 80’s) and I have thought about it on more than one occasion since then.

Those were some of my darkest days when my soul gave up all hope.

I am one of the fortunate ones as I have found lifelines that I can turn to in times when I feel like I just cannot go on.

Having friends and family that you can rely on in moments of despair is important, but there is no relationship that will pick you up like a relationship with the Lord.

Friends and family have this “I’ve got to fix it” mentality when someone is broken, but the Lord, He is ok with our brokenness.

He will let us ugly cry or scream or break things or do whatever we need to do to get it out no matter if it takes hours, days, or weeks.

Then He will hold us and if we let Him, we can feel the healing begin.

Do not give up.

Wherever you are, you are not alone.

If you don’t know where to turn and you don’t think you can turn to God, call me, I will help you find someone to walk you through your pain.


If you need someone call 988 or go to 988lifeline.org The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.  




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