Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.

- Psalm 127:3 (NLT)


It’s a running joke among my friends that I don’t like children, in fact I have never experienced “baby fever”.

I don’t think that it’s completely true - it isn’t that I don’t like them, it’s more like I don’t have patience for them even though I had three of my own.

Children are a gift from the Lord and regardless of my silly comments and refusal to teach Sunday school or take care of babies, we should treat them as a gift.

Too many people are out there neglecting their children and having more children that they only use as a means to get something for nothing.

It is heartbreaking, I personally know several people that would welcome a child in their lives, yet God has other plans and then I see someone that blatantly neglects their children causing lifelong damage to them. 

Yeah, today’s “daily bread” is personal. 
I am asking all who read this to pray today specifically for the permanent placement of two children in a home where they will be forever loved, cared for, and receive the medical attention that they need. 
Children are precious and deserve the best that we can possibly give them, they don’t deserve to be ignored, mistreated, or neglected.



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